Blockchain Security

Blockchains are incredibly adversarial environments where user assets are always at stake and up for the take, requiring vigilance and resilience.

Smart Contract Audits

The exploitation of Smart Contracts and decentralized Applications can incur huge financial and reputational losses, which can end projects and associated values within seconds. Prtcl conducts full-fledged manual reviews, static and dynamic analyses, including grey-box fuzzing with Deep- Learning and dedicated development of test-cases.

Cryptographic Scheme Audits

Cryptographic schemes and protocols are the backbones of today’s interconnected world. Translating theoretical schemes to practice is not trivial since assumptions, in theory, do not always translate seamlessly to practice. The slightest mistake can be detrimental. We provide various cryptographic audit services, including formal verification of protocols.

Blockchain Audit

Blockchains are ever-evolving and as experts in blockchains and distributed ledgers, we can provide audits of your Blockchain. We can audit your Blockchain’s building blocks (e.g., Consensus mechanism) and whether their interplay is correctly implemented. This audit can reveal potential economic attack vectors, including recommendations for remediation or mitigation.